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2024 Construction Inclusion Conference

October 16

National Bank of Arizona Conference Center

6001 N. 24th St. Phoenix, AZ 85016

DEI is not just the workforce, the culture that we go to work every day and experience; it is supplier diversity.



Supplier Diversity Message from SRP
Leading the Charge: Building Accountability for a More Inclusive Construction Industry
Building Bridges: Leadership Strategies for Inclusive Project Management
Voices Panel
Navigating Tricky or Difficult Conversations

2023 Construction Inclusion Conference Recap

Watch highlights from last year’s conference below.


Colette Holt, Colette Holt & Associates


Nichol Luoma, Vice President of University Business Services, Arizona State University

Jonathan Thatcher, Director of Procurement, Valley Metro

Colette Holt, Colette Holt & Associates

Christine Mackay, Director, Community and Economic Development, City of Phoenix


Sandra Ichiho, Retired, Hensel Phelps


Sean Ray, Vice President Craft Workforce Development, Sundt Construction

Tom Cole, Director, Arizona Registrar of Contractors

Paul Sanders, Workforce Development Manager, Build Your Future Arizona

Kyle Mitchell, Program Analyst Senior, South Mountain Community College

Speakers – Coming Soon

Commitment through Time: Nearly 30 Years of Supplier Diversity

AMCA’s 25th Anniversary Supplier Diversity Sponsor

SRP began its supplier diversity initiative to strengthen its supply chain and foster economic empowerment.  Now, supplier diversity is core to SRP’s corporate function to ensure the utility company continues to empower who it serves. SRP is proud to discuss the approach that resulted in $243.3M on goods and services with over 700 small and diverse suppliers in FY2023.

Erika Castro

Supplier Diversity Manager Salt River Project

Erika Castro is the Supplier Diversity & Supplier Management Manager at Salt River Project (SRP) and carries out SRP’s Supplier Diversity strategies and activities by connecting small and diverse businesses to the business and to the purchasing teams responsible for SRP’s business units. Erika has been with SRP for 15 years and enjoys being able to lead a team that makes a difference with Arizona’s small and diverse businesses.

An active community leader, Erika is a board member of the Chandler Cultural Foundation Board and Commission and WBEC-West (Women’s Business Enterprise Council West). She also serves as Co-Chair for the Public Policy Committee at the Chandler Chamber of Commerce and quad chair for Chandler Leadership’s Class 40.

Leading the Charge: Building Accountability for a More Inclusive Construction Industry

The session will dive into the critical need for leadership accountability in achieving true inclusion within construction. Mr. De La Cerda will explore practical methods for leaders to establish measurable goals, track progress on DE&I initiatives, and hold themselves and their teams responsible for creating a more diverse and equitable work environment.

Al De La Cerda

Al De La Cerda

President/CEO, ASUSE Incorporated

Al De La Cerda, President/CEO of ASUSE Incorporated, is a seasoned engineering leader with over 40 years of experience. Throughout his career, he has held various leadership positions within the electrical engineering and construction sectors. At ASUSE, Mr. De La Cerda oversees all aspects of the business, from surveying and design to construction and finance. He is recognized for his expertise in project management, safety, and value engineering and passionately advocates for building a more inclusive and successful construction industry.

Building Bridges: Leadership Strategies for Inclusive Project Management

This workshop will focus on effective leadership strategies for project managers to create and sustain inclusive work environments; they will leave with practical tools. The session aims to empower project managers to lead diverse teams effectively, fostering an environment where every team member feels valued and included. Participants will engage in interactive exercises designed to develop their skills in communication, collaboration, and resolving conflicts with equity and respect.

Cherron Castillo

Cherron Castillo

Owner and Chief Seed Sower, Fruitful Training Group

Cherron Castillo, Owner and Principal Facilitator of Fruitful Training Group (MBE, WBE, WOSB), is a national speaker with over 15 years of experience. She holds a degree in HR Management and a master’s in professional development and is a certified John Maxwell Team trainer and Wiley Everything DiSC® partner.
Cherron specializes in leadership, DEI, and power skills, with topics like emotional intelligence and creating inclusive workplaces. She has trained in various sectors, including corporations, government, and universities. Passionate about empowering others, she shares her “Cherronosophies” and enjoys” light bulb” moments.  Cherron is married, has two children, and loves Cabo San Lucas!

Industry Voices Panel

More info is on it way!

Tracy Sanders

Tracy Sanders

SBLO, ASDP, IICDP, DEI Specialist, Sundt Construction


Coming Soon


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

Navigating Tricky or Difficult Conversations

Being a successful team member requires having conversations that are difficult, not to mention important, awkward, tricky, meaningful, and powerful. The goal isn’t to avoid these conversations; it’s to find ways to have these conversations effectively. Measures of success often focus on project delivery: on-time, on-budget, safely, and to the client’s satisfaction. Underlying those goals is the ability to have effective communications up, down, and across an organization or project team.

Michael Riegel

Michael Riegel

Director A/E/C Business Strategies

Michael Riegel is a coach, consultant, author, speaker, and trainer working across industries with a focus on technical and process- driven organizations. He developed an expertise in managing technical professionals, creating high-performing teams, and helping leaders grow and exceed their individual and corporate goals.
As a technical professional himself, Michael brings insights and perspectives on the challenges and organizational dynamics that can thwart analytical, technical, and structured-thinking professionals. In his coaching work, he focuses on building emotional intelligence,
communication skills, collaboration, cooperation, and leadership skills, especially for technical professionals who work with non- technical leaders and teams. Michael’s coaching approach leverages his experience working in organizations and emphasizes practical solutions to management and leadership challenges.
His clients include Washington Gas and Light, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Carolinas AGC, Wayfair, Electives, and Udemy. He designed and is facilitating the Carolina AGC Construction Business Academy including business assessments, action planning, and leadership coaching. Michael is a strategic partner to the National Association of Women in Construction to build greater awareness of coaching and professional development benefits to traditionally underserved professionals, industries, and companies.
Michael is a contributor to Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Forbes, and is the author of Build Like The Big Primes: A Contractor’s Guide to Building Your Business While Balancing Your Life and The Little Book of Big Ideas for Construction Professionals.

  • Advocate
    This level commits to creating an inclusive industry by keeping this event free to attend.
    • Signage, stage recognition at both events
    • Sponsor invited to provide facilitator, panelist, or other presentation role at one event.
    • Logo on name badge for one event
    • Full page ad in conference booklet
  • Fueling Momentum
    This level provides the fuel for industry professionals to network engage and learn.
    • Signage, stage recognition
    • Signage near any provided food/beverages
    • Half page ad in conference booklet
  • Power Tools
    This level ensures participants have the tools to apply at their workplaces.
    • Signage, stage recognition
    • Sponsor recognized with each speaker’s gift at the conference.
    • Full-color logo included on the back cover of the conference booklet
  • Industry Awareness
    This level increases the visibility of value of diversity in the industry.
    • Stage recognition
    • Logo on 50 custom Construction Inclusion Week button for distribution
  • Leaders By Example
    This level leads by example their commitment to inclusion.
    • 6ft custom feather banner displayed at Kick-off Mixer (for reuse at your company)
    • 6ft exhibitor table and two chairs (limited availability) at either the Kick-off Mixer or Construction Inclusion Conference
  • Empowerment
    Contribute to the continuing effort and education for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive construction industry.
    • Custom 2024 AMCA Construction Inclusion Conference-themed button provided at registration

Thank you Sponsors!

AMCA Platinum Sponsor

Registered Attendees

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